....are Geographically oriented.....or picture-oriented.
Others of us can grasp the text and make it work wonders for what they need it to do.
I like maps and picture books myself (Was looking all over Texas forra copy of "My Pet Goat" but couldn't find it anywhere). So, for those of you who, like myself, fall into the former category, I'm gonna give us all some reference material.....
So, let's start with the first leg of the ride.....from Cedar Mill, Oregon to West Denver, Colorado.....including all stops and total mileage -
2248 miles for this leg.
Now, From West Denver, Colorado to Katy, TX (including a side trip to White Sands, New Mexico).......
1669 miles for this leg.....
Thus, so far, I've ridden 3917 miles.
Shit.....and I'm nowhere even NEAR the halfway point of this adventure......
Interesting......I had given myself a ballpark mileage of 9,000 to 11,000 total miles for this entire thing! Given that I hafta do pretty much all corners of Florida, duck back inland to Atlanta, and then duck back outland* to the Outer Banks of North Carolina up to Virginia Beach......and later, on up to Montreal and then Buffalo........THINK me may have underestimated my mileage.....
Such is life.....
More Tuesday......
* - "Outland" is a new Geographical term that I just made up. Look for it soon in travelogues everywhere.....
If you NEED to absolutely change plans you can bypass me in Atlanta. I promise to forgive you. I'll be back in Buffalo at the end of June into July probably anyways & could maybe catch you there. I don't want you to feel obligated. All is cool. Besides, if I don't see you here then it always gives me the opportunity to do a west coast trip to Portland. Haven't been there in a long while. As far as the TIRE, (yes tire it is America!! so there) I will gladly hook you up with what you need provided the Helix doesn't blow by then. (The tire I mean, not the engine!)You can order the tire & have it delivered here if you think you're willing to chance it. We can get the Helix hooked up for a once-over if you think it needs it again. I can always come rescue you from FL. or AL. with my RV & trailer & haul you for part of this CRAZY trip you're on!!! Let me know my friend! LOL Yvonne
Me again....totally lost the reason I was writing in the 1st place....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! am I right, the 3rd?? Do I still remember after all these years? Hope so, have a good one! Ivonna
Ya remembered my birthday correctly!! YOU ROCK!!!
Naw......wouldn't dream of bypassing Atlanta! Too much fun shooting the shit with Jerry and hanging out with you both!!
Think I'm gonna probably grab a motel inside the City itself for the first night and hit Little Five Points and hang out.....and the second night, I'll hop up North and hang with ya guys!
DID get the front tYre replaced.....BUT....BUT....I'm now a touch concerned about the rear tYre......soooo.....may actually dig up a skooter repair place in Atlanta online and just have the tYre shipped to your place, if that's cool. :-)
P.S. - You have a birthday coming up next month!! Shoot.....I want to guess.....July 11th??? Probably way off......due to ever-encroaching Alzheimer's.....
Got upcoming dates and new stories coming up later tomorrow....
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