Now, if we refer back to Geography Lesson Part Trois, we can see how many miles E logged up until Montreal, PQ....where he had rode 7738 miles to that point....
Segment four takes us from Montreal, into New York State thru the towns of Pulaski, Wilson, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Then, a round trip from Niagara Falls to Kincardine, Ontario, Canada and back, then outward to Michigan and ending at Arlington, South Dakota....

Tack on 2261 miles for this jaunt.....therefore, we are NOW at 9999 miles total.
And, finally......
....the ride HOME:

This puts another 2368 miles on the total mileage.....
....and there it is.
12,368 miles rode on a Honda CN250 skooter.
Not all of those miles were pleasant......but, honestly?
....most of them were....
Epitaph coming up in a few days (like, when I get my Internet installed on Saturday!!).
Must talk with you. I have something you will like. I believe you have my information...
Fire Marshal John
Righty-O, Fire your ya before Friday!!
I owe Hacksaw a spot on a pub quiz for a NON-smoking venue (because he actually KNEW what the hell "Beburg" was).....lemme know if you'd be into joining up sometime soon....maybe at that place by Intel in Hillsboro?
Hey, I knew what Beburg was too. And I've never lived in Beaverton nor am I originally from Oregon. I just didn't want to hand you the answer right away. Give me some credit will ya. ;-)
I will.....but you never showed any interest in coming down forra pub quiz, soooo..... :-(
Pub quizzes suck. And now that I can't drink beer, they really suck. ;-)
I guess you will just have to come up with some other reward for my incredible love of trains which lead me to my vast knowledge of Beburg. Not to mention other useless and trivial things I know far too much about.
We're supposed to be there tonight but that's still up in the air.
By the way, the pub is nonsmoking.
Parkway Station Pub
5245 NE Elam Young Parkway West
Be there tonight on Elam Young at Intel. Pls. phone Hacksaw and let him know.......I owes him a pub quiz.
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