Thursday, August 12, 2010

OK.....time for some pics of Emily.....

The red spot on her forehead was from when I got angry and smacked her around a bit 'cause she wouldn't stop crying......

...naw, actually, when we took her home from the hospital, I see this weird red spot on her forehead and I'm like "What the fuck's THAT?"

Tam explained to me that it's some sort of weird Vietnamese custom for THEM at the hospital to smack the baby around first before handing it off to the parents………

No, is a weird Vietnamese custom for them to "mark" the baby when she FIRST leaves the hospital and then again when she leaves her house for the FIRST TIME so that her physical body can always be located by her spirit soul....or something like that.....gotta ask my wife EXACTLY what that signifies again (for the fifth time).....

MY daughter only wears THEE LATEST in fashion......

I love the clothes my mother-in-law will pick up for Emily here in Hai Phong! Like this shirt....

....I mean, I've always found that rowing with the duck is very interesting....especially when the duck is pink and is towing my inflatable raft......then I know it's time to put away the 'shrooms......

My daughter's got a great right hook......

Yep....never thought I'd actually construct a crib in my life....ever! Wow......just wow.....

We'll return to "10 weird fotograffs of life in Vietnam" in about a week or so.....



Anonymous said...

Ernie, she's beautiful! How old is she now? She's already so bright-eyed and alert! Congratulations to you and Tam! Thanks so much for posting the pics -- you made my day. :-)


p.s. Loved the Portland t-shirt.

HRD said...

Emily is going to FREAK OUT when she discovers she has hands!