Monday, July 5, 2010

Whoa....almost forgot that I still have a blog.....

....and that I still haf a lot to write.....

....and that I still haf a lot of pics to show.....

Since my father's passing\, there have been a whole bunch of other things that, combined, have been occupying about 137% of my waking hours, so I haven't had time to do much! But now that things with paperwork and other issues have slllooooowwwwly been worked out and organised, I can get back to this blog. I haven't had time the last three months to EVEN LOOK at this blog, much less post on it!!!!

Upon last my check of this blog (which was about ten minutes ago), I had seen some well wishes from good friends regarding my father's passing, some comments from a psychologically unstable chick and I had also discovered where I had left off - that I had promised you an average of ten fotograffs of life in Vietnam per week!

NEW pics coming up Friday afternoon (July the 9th)!! :-)



Anonymous said...

You'd better show some pictures of your daughter!!!!!!!! I'm dyin' here!

Glad to hear that things are coming back to normal, or as normal as they can be with a newborn. :-) Congratulations!


E said...

Will do, coming up in a few days....promise!


HRD said...

"NEW pics coming up Friday afternoon (July the 9th)!! :-)"

July 9th cometh, July 9th go-eth.


E said...

WORKIN' ON IT......gimme a bit....jeez!


HRD said...

I blame the Facebook CORPORATION for killing this previously wonderful blog. Laziness I can understand, even apathy, but to see it fall to a personal-information-mining soulless corporation makes for a sad, sad day.

Anonymous said...

I agree V ! Facebook is CORPORATE boring garbage. Lets stay personal and original. Ernie, PLEASE !!!!!!